New to our church? what to expect...

Praise and Worship

New Jerusalem Christian Church thrives on Praise and Worship. We believe that God inhabits the praise of His people.. We also know that we must worship God in spirit and in truth. During a Sunday service you can expect the worship team to lift up the name of Jesus in a very peculiar way. We allow the Holy Spirit to move in our midst - for many this may mean clapping, singing, dancing and shouting. You are welcome to praise and worship in whatever way you are most comfortable. 

Tithes and Offering 

Every week members at New Jerusalem Christian Church give their tithes and offering. This is an act of worship that displays obedience and devotion, allowing us to thank God for all of the gifts He has blessed us with. It also gives New Jerusalem Christian Church financial stability and the means to reach more people for Christ in the future. .

The WORD of God 

Each week our Pastors come forth and bring us a scripture based Word. This Word is designed to minister to the needs of the congregation. These messages will help you develop a growing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and apply biblical teaching to your own life. Previous messages are soon to be available on this website. 


We believe in the miracles, signs, and wonders of Jesus Christ. Typically after the Word has been delivered we participate in a altar call - at this time you are welcome to come forth with any prayer needs or to surrender your life to Christ. 


We partake in Communion together on the first Sunday of the month. Anyone can participate in this time of reflection and prayer – as long as they have made the decision to follow Jesus Christ. The cup that we drink and the bread that we eat represent the life he gave up so that our sins could be forgiven. Parents are encouraged to make certain their children are ready to partake of communion and to assist them during the ceremony.


We are a growing ministry and currently do not have a designated space for our children to go during regular services. We encourage our children to be active in our regular services - we are in the process of offering a mid-week or pre-service time for our children to learn more about God in a way that is adaptable to them.


Every Sunday is a chance to learn and grow. We pray that anyone that comes to our services would be touched in a way that it would be obvious that God did it. If at this point of the service you would like to join our ministry, we welcome you! If you hear the phrase " the doors of the church are open " that is your opportunity to join the family.